Lifetime Warranty Slide image

We have a lifetime warranty program that can be structured for your entire sales force or your programming department.

We stand behind our service and take responsibility for the quality of the candidates. We will replace any employee, for whatever reason, whether they have been with you for one day or ten years. If an employee is not performing to your expectations and you fire them, for any reason whatsoever, we will replace that person and will typically have them on board within two weeks from the date that you made a decision for a replacement. You are guaranteed that we stand behind our service because our remuneration is based on the performance of your sales team.

How can we do this?

  1. We assist you in handling an evaluation of your cost of sales, and we prepare a program that generally covers our cost by reducing your cost of sales.
  2. We create a team whose total responsibility is to locate, recruit and keep in touch with every salesperson that works for a list of competitors that you supply to us. When you are ready to replace or hire for a new position we can immediately arrange interviews after reviewing the available sales talent that may be on the market for that month. We have found that we can cut the hiring time down from 2 months to 2 weeks using this proactive approach.
  3. We charge a minimal monthly insurance premium that covers the cost of administering the policy to your firm which includes recruiting and keeping in touch with every sales person who works for your competitors.
  4. We are compensated by an agreed upon level of performance as a percentage of sales or fixed rate based upon sales performance, not by recruiting fees.
  5. We can implement a similar program for programming staff so that you have fixed hiring costs that you can budget for the entire year.

Due to the nature of this program, we are selective as to who we take on as clients, as we cannot cover every company in the same industry.

The duration of a new employee cannot be predicted. The Oxford Group is confident, through our knowledge of the marketplace coupled with our expertise and recommendations that we can obtain the right employee the first time. The uniqueness of our program is that we are often able to reduce your cost of sales which allows you to take advantage of this service at no extra cost to your company or your budget

If you are working with a different recruiter right now, compare the replacement guarantee.


For more information call 214 360 4000 or  email us at

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