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Hiring the Right VP for the Four Different Stages of Your Company’s Growth - Your organization needs the right type of VP of Sales based on the stage of growth of your company. There are four basic types of VP of Sales based on the four stages of Accounting Rate of Return (ARR) that can enhance – or hinder – your company’s growth. (The accounting rate of return (ARR) […]
Hiring the wrong executive costs a company an average of $3,500,000. - Research shows that companies adept at recruiting enjoyed 3.5 times the revenue growth, and 2.1 times the profit margin, of their less- capable peers.* But does your internal leadership team have the time, capacity, proven IP, or expertise needed for a truly successful executive search? When hiring an executive, it is important to uncover his […]
Are your sales reps giving up too soon? - Statistics show that nearly half of all sales reps fail to follow through with a prospect. Over 75% of sales occurs after the fourth contact. If your sales reps are giving up after two or three contacts, statistics show that they are giving up much too soon. Because the majority of sales results from more […]
Why You Aren’t Hiring Top Cloud Salesmen and What To Do About it - 6 Critical Skills of Top Performers I have interviewed 1000s of sales people over the past 20 years. Hiring good guys for Cloud Computing, Big Data and the other areas is even more difficult. I’ve condensed the critical factors for in to six vital skills: 1) Fully understand the products / services – I cannot […]
Why Cloud Computing Companies Misfire on Their First VP of Sales Hire - I have spoken to many VCs. Most of them are in sync on one fact: the odds may be against you if you are hiring your first VP of Sales for a SaaS start-up. VPs of Sales are fired more often than professional sports coaches. Hiring the right VP could be the difference between gaining […]
Over 65% of Your Cloud Computing Sales Reps Aren’t Doing Their Part! Why? - In my conversations with VPs of Sales – especially those in big data companies and cloud computing companies – a common complaint is that nearly 70% of the cloud sales reps aren’t pulling their own weight – the top producers are doing more than their fair share of the work. These top performers have figured […]
Why You Haven’t Hired the Right VP of Sales for Your Cloud Computing Company and What To Do About It - I have talked with many CEOs who are looking to hire a VP of Sales. Finding the ideal fit for your organization, and avoiding a mis-hire, can be challenging. That is one of the many reasons I created The Oxford Group’s unique Reverse Engineering Strategy. When matching experience to fit, I always consider: Which candidate […]
Double Your Cloud Computing Startup’s Sales in 90 Days With the Right VP Sales - Most CEO’s, Presidents of Cloud companies that I have talked with don’t know how to do this – but it can be done. I’ve spoken to several C level executives that have accomplished it. Is it easy? No. It takes finding the perfect VP Sales who, after examining the numbers and sifting through data and […]
Are Your Sales Reps “Coachable”? - From interviewing and managing 1000s of salespeople over 20 years I have interviewed for activity levels, self-starter, integrity, confidence, charisma, determination, thick skin, a positive attitude – all great qualities, but one thing I have found to be vital is “coachability”. I see a direct correlation between athletic performance coaching and sales performance coaching from […]
SaaS Companies: When to Say Yes or No to Merger & Acquisition Offers - Mergers and acquisition (M & A) offers can be tempting, but how do you know when to say ‘yes’ and when to say ‘no’? Accepting the wrong offer at the wrong time can be a costly mistake. I have talked with numerous CEOs and Presidents who are considering a merger or acquisition offer. A common […]